We are happy that we have continued to celebrate mass in our church building.
We ask that you continue to sanitize your hands upon entering the church for the sake of safety for everyone.
We will continue to follow the State, County and Archdiocesan public health guidelines These are the Guidelines:
Masks are still RECOMMENDED but not required in:
• Airplanes
• Indoor public setting and businesses such as retail, restaurants, theaters, family entertainment centers, cardrooms, meetings, state and local government offices that serve the public.
• Indoors at K-12 schools and daycare
• Churches and Houses of Worship
Parish Center: The Parish Center is open to meetings and gatherings, the receptionist answers the phone during regular business hours. If you need assistance from the parish office, please call (818) 341-6634. In case of emergency, call Fr. Beto’s cell phone at (424) 219-2932.
Confessions:Every Saturday, 3:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m., in the church.
Anointing of the Sick: Your priests are available for Anointing of the Sick. In the event of serious illness, please call Fr. Beto at (424) 219-2932 (cell).
Weekly Bulletin: We are happy to announce that we have resumed issuing the weekly bulletin. The absence of our bulletin over these months has placed some hardship on our advertisers - those who make our publication possible. Please continue to support our advertisers. Click here for the page of advertisers.
Additional Information
LA Catholics (Archdiocese of Los Angeles)
State of California COVID-19 Updates