

   5:30 p.m., English
   7:00 p.m., Spanish

   7:30 a.m., Vietnamese
   9:00 a.m., English
   10:30 a.m., English
   12:00 p.m., Spanish

Monday - Friday
   6:30 a.m.
   8:30 a.m.
   8:30 a.m.

Daily Readings

   English and Spanish

Parish Information

   Welcome / Mission

   Parish Membership

   Parish Directory

   Contact Us



Bartholomeus Breenbergh, Jesus Healing a Deaf-mute, Louvre Museum, Paris, France

Jesus said “Be opened” and the man’s ears were opened.
(Mk 7:34-35).

Let’s us pray that Jesus always opens our ears to the word of God as we hear it weekly at the reading of the Scriptures.

St. Vincent de Paul Hot Lunch Program


The Vietnamese community sponsors a hot lunch distribution for the poor in our community on the second Saturday of every month as part of the St. Vincent de Paul hot lunch program.
You are invited to join us in the preparation of the meals and serving it to those in need. The time commitment is only 2-3 hours, at most, as a charitable service.

The next Vietnamese community-sponsored lunch will be at noon on Saturday, September 14, next to the hall.

We also accept donations toward the cost of the meals.

For questions or to volunteer, please email quylong2010kg@yahoo.com or call 818-213-1067.



SATURDAY, SEPT. 21, 2024
11111 North Alemany Drive
Mission Hills, CA 91345

Anyone who would like to learn more about their Catholic Faith is invited to attend the San Fernando Regional Congress on Sept. 21st sponsored by the Office of Religious Education of the LA Archdiocese. The day offers 3 sessions beginning at 10 a.m. and ending at 4 p.m. with more than 60 workshops in both English and Spanish that offer attendees opportunities to grow in their Catholic faith with topics on scripture, spirituality, prayer, OCIA, catechetical skills, liturgical music and much, much more! SFRCWe also have an exhibitor’s area which offers many items to purchase including jewelry, rosaries, gift items, Catholic publications and information from various Catholic services and Educational Institutions.
If you would like to join us, please scan the QR-Code for the online Registration book and link to register!
Early-Bird registration is $35 for the entire day.
Early-Bird Reg. ends Sept. 3rd, so hurry and register today!


2024-2025 Religious Education/
Educación Religiosa para 2024-2025


REGISTRATION for children Catechesis is now open!

Inside the School Building (blue door entrance)

Call or email Karina Villanueva if you have any questions
(818) 341-6634 ext. 1016 or karina@sjwchurch.com

The registration process IS the same for all families: “New and Returning.”

Download the Registrastion Packet HERE.


¡LA REGISTRACIÓN para Catequesis de Niños está abierta!

Dentro del edificio de la escuela (entrada con puerta azul)

Llame o envíe un correo electrónico a Karina Villanueva si tiene alguna pregunta
(818) 341-6634 interno 1016 o karina@sjwchurch.com

El proceso de registración se aplica a todas las familias.

Descarge el paquete de registración AQUÍ.




Confirmation Year 1

Tuesday, Sept 10th, 7:00pm to 8:15pm (Hall): Candidate & Parent Orientation

Tuesday, Sept 24th, 7:00pm to 8:15pm (Hall)
Sunday, Sept 29th, 9:00am to 10:15am (YM Room): “Safeguard the Children Training”

Tuesday, Oct 8th, 7:00pm to 8:15pm (Hall)
Sunday, Oct 13th, 9:00am to 10:15am (YM Room): “Happiness and God, Our Father” (pages 3-9)

Tuesday, Oct 22nd, 7:00pm to 8:15pm (Hall)
Sunday, Oct 27th, 9:00am to 10:15am (YM Room): “Gift of Divine Life & Gift of Revelation” (pages 17-21)

Confirmation Year 2

Tuesday, Sept 17th, 7:00pm to 8:15pm (Hall): Candidate & Parent Orientation

Tuesday, Oct 1st, 7:00pm to 8:15pm (Hall)
Sunday, Oct. 6th, 9:00am to 10:15am (YM Room): “Safeguard the Children Training”

Tuesday, Oct 15th, 7:00pm to 8:15pm (Hall)
Sunday, Oct. 20th, 9:00am to 10:15am (YM Room): “The Sacred Liturgy & Seven Sacraments” (starting Page 133 - 143)

Tuesday, Oct 29th, 7:00pm to 8:15pm (Hall)
Sunday, Nov 3rd, 9:00am to 10:15am (YM Room): “Baptism & Confirmation” (pages 145-153)

Youth Ministry Global Events

July 28, 2025 to Aug. 3, 2025: Jubilee of Young People (ages 13 – 35). Rome, Italy.

2027 (pending actual dates): World Youth Day (ages 13-35). Seoul, South Korea

For more information, email JP Fernandez

USCCB and War in the Holy Land


October 8, 2023
WASHINGTON – In response to the continued tensions and violence that erupted into warfare between Gaza and Israel on October 7, Bishop David J. Malloy of Rockford, chairman of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ (USCCB) Committee on International Justice and Peace, calls for prayers for peace in the Holy Land:

“On October 7, the Feast of the Most Holy Rosary, the world watched the operation launched from Gaza and the rapid call to arms from Israel that ensued. Almost 50 years to the day of the launch of the 1973 Arab–Israeli War, once again war is spilling out in the Holy Land. With it brings the mounting casualties and hostilities unfolding on all sides, and increased threats to the Status Quo of the Holy Places among Jews, Muslims, and Christians further dimming any hope for peace.


Join us for Eucharistic Adoration & Benediction Every Friday


St. Joseph the Worker Church has Eucharistic Adoration & Benediction every Friday of the month. 

We invite you to be in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament every Friday from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm in the church.

Los invitamos a estar en la presencia del Santísimo Sacramento todos los viernes de 5:00 p.m. a 7:00 p.m. en la iglesia, seguido del Santo Rosario a las 7:00 p.m. y la misa en español los Primeros Viernes a las 7:30 p.m.

All are welcome. Todos son bienvenidos.

Exciting School News!


Tuition Assistance for New Families

Through a generous donation to the Catholic Education Foundation (CEF), tuition assistance is available to NEW families to our Catholic school system. The amount can be nearly 50% off the tuition amount. Please share this great news with families you know who hesitate to apply to St. Joseph the Worker School because of the cost of tuition.



mi We accept mass intentions on a quarterly basis beginning one month prior to the start of each quarter:

   • December for January - February - March
   • March for April - May - June
   • June for July - August - September
   • September for October - November - December

You may download and print the Mass Intention Request form from our website or get one at the Parish Center. Complete the form and deliver or mail it to the Parish Center with your $10 per Mass donation. A check payable to St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church is preferred; cash is accepted (exact amount, please). There is a limit of four requests per family. We do not accept phone requests.

COVID-19 Update


We are happy that we have continued to celebrate mass in our church building.

We ask that you continue to sanitize your hands upon entering the church for the sake of safety for everyone.

We will continue to follow the State, County and Archdiocesan public health guidelines These are the Guidelines:

Masks are still RECOMMENDED but not required in:

• Airplanes
• Indoor public setting and businesses such as retail, restaurants, theaters, family entertainment centers, cardrooms, meetings, state and local government offices that serve the public.
• Indoors at K-12 schools and daycare
Churches and Houses of Worship


Supporting Your Parish


Now is the time to give online!

Electronic Giving (e-giving) is an easy, convenient way to support your parish. Click on "e-giving" at the top right corner of this page and follow the instructions. You have the option to set up your contributions on an ongoing basis or as a one-time donation.

The chart below compares the most recent week’s collection with the same week last year.


Mail: If you prefer, you may mail your offering envelope with check to the parish: St. Joseph the Worker Church, 19808 Cantlay Street, Winnetka, CA 91306.
