



Holy Eucharist


Annointing of the Sick


Holy Orders

Holy Orders

The priesthood is a divinely instituted sacrament begun by Christ at the Last Supper in order to continue His ministry in the world. In the sacrament of holy orders, or ordination, the priest being ordained vows to lead other Catholics, by bringing them the sacraments (especially the Eucharist), by proclaiming the Gospel, and by providing other means to holiness. In Holy Orders the person being ordained receives the power and grace to perform the sacred duties of bishop, priest, and other ministers of the church. Christ Himself selected and ordained the first bishops, the apostles. They then, following the will of Christ, consecrated others as bishops and ordained priests and deacons.

Anyone interested in the priesthood or diaconate should meet with one of our parish priests.


Office for Vocations, Archdiocese of Los Angeles

Diaconate Formation, Archdiocese of Los Angeles