
Celebrating Shared Faith

Mass Intentions

Deaths and Funerals

Devotions and Prayer Groups

Music Ministry

Liturgical Ministries

• Eucharistic Minister

• Lector

• Altar Server

• Usher and Greeter

• Eucharistic Minister to the Sick

Environment Committee


Worship and Liturgy

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops – Prayer and Worship

Daily Mass Readings

Daily Mass Readings Podcast

General Instruction of the Roman Missal

Mass Intentions

Download and print the Mass Intention Request form. Complete the form and deliver or mail it to the Parish Center with your $10.00 per Mass donation. A check payable to St. Joseph the Worker Catholic Church is preferred; cash is accepted (exact amount, please). There is a limit of four requests per family. We do not accept phone requests.

Sunday, October 6
7:30 a.m.
   Tham Huynh (Get Well)
   Agatha My Tu (RIP)
9:00 a.m.
   SJW Parishioners (Intentions)
   Anna Huynh (RIP)
10:30 a.m.
   Marco Tran (RIP)
   Norma Forteza (Birthday)
12:00 p.m.
   Ramon S. Esguerra (RIP)
   Maria Graciela Mejia (RIP)

Monday, October 7

6:30 a.m.
   Elena Castellanos Garay (Birthday)
   Alphonse Castellanos (Get Well)
8:30 a.m.
   Rita Baracina (Birthday)
   Carlos and Amalia Sollano (RIP)

Tuesday, October 8

6:30 a.m.
   SJW Parishioners (Intentions)
8:30 a.m.
   Minerva Laurel (RIP)

Wednesday, October 9

6:30 a.m.
   SJW Parishioners (Intentions)
8:30 a.m.
   Rosalina C. Abad Santos (Birthday)
   Tina Shiva Kumar (Birthday)

Thursday, October 10

6:30 a.m.
   SJW Parishioners (Intentions)
8:30 a.m.
   Familia Gonzales (Intentions)

Friday, October 11

6:30 a.m.
   SJW Parishioners (Intentions)
8:30 a.m.
   Nicholas Dulay (Birthday)
   Catalina Palacios Alas (RIP)

Saturday, October 12

8:30 a.m.
   Dominic Dulay (Birthday)
5:30 p.m.
   Maria Ta Thi Thoa (RIP)
   Phero Pham Van Thoa (RIP)
7:00 p.m.
   Guadalupe and Juana Rochin (RIP)
   Maria Torres Gomar (RIP)

Sunday, October 13

7:30 a.m.
   Tham Huynh (Get Well)
   Catalina Nguyen Thi Mui (RIP)
9:00 a.m.
   Eugene Tran (RIP)
   Anna Tran (RIP)
10:30 a.m.
   SJW Parishioners (Intentions)
   Rosita, Leona, and Joan Esguerra (RIP)
12:00 p.m.
   Marcos Sandoval (Birthday)
   Leonardo Sandoval (Birthday)