Music Ministry
Music makes the heart sing . . . Music gives wings to the soul

The variety of musical style and language represented in our parish choirs reflects the essence of St. Joseph the Worker, a multicultural parish united in faith and mission. We are blessed with nine wonderful choirs, which provide music on Sundays and other occasions. They move us, inspire us, and enable each of us to become active participants in the Mass.
Grateful to God for the gift of music, members of our parish choirs share their faith through music. They strive to enhance the devotion of the worshiping community and provide prayerful leadership to the assembly’s musical participation.
Traditional Choir: The 35-member choir leads the assembly regularly. Rehearsals: Tuesday evenings, 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Roy Cacacho, Director and Accompanist
Filipino Chorale: 15-member Chorale.
Sonny Fernando, Director
Hispanic Choir: This a group of children, youth, and adults formed by vocalists, musicians, sound technicians, and PowerPoint operators.
Jorge Durón, Director
Hispanic Contemporary Choir: The group includes accordion, conga drums, and guitar to create a Latin rhythm and sound.
Jaime Espinoza, Director
Children’s Choir: Young people from the Religious Education Program, St. Joseph the Worker School, and the parish community are invited to participate in parish liturgies by joining the Children’s Choir. The children learn about singing and choral performance, while having fun and making new friends, and begin to learn about the role of music in prayer. No previous choral music experience is required.
Enrollment takes place in the fall and is announced.
Information: Parish Center
Vietnamese Choir: Eighteen singers and four musicians lead the assembly at Vietnamese Masses, and at retreats, funerals, weddings, and cultural events. On special occasions, the choir is accompanied by guitar, bass, organ, and drums.
Billy Dinh, Director
Young Adult Hispanic Choir: The Grupo de Jóvenes Adultos Nueva Generación en Jesucristo meets every Friday for prayer, praise, and worship. The Young Adult Hispanic Choir provides the music at weekly gatherings and leads the assembly at Mass.
Guadalupe Rivas, Director
Charismatic Prayer Group Choir: The choir has 22 active members, who lead participants in songs of praise and worship at the Thursday evening Prayer Group gatherings as well as the monthly Healing Mass.
Tony Valera, Director
Parish Center