A child’s journey of faith begins in the home. The Religious Education program assists parents with the sacred responsibility to educate their children in the Catholic faith. Our religious education team is dedicated to being a partner in your family’s faith formation and to sharing the Gospel message of Jesus with all the children and families of our parish.
At the elementary level, children are introduced to the beliefs and traditions of the Catholic faith. Young children (generally, in the second grade) receive the sacraments of First Penance (Reconciliation) and First Holy Communion in the spring.
Middle school students learn about living their Catholic faith, as they enter adolescence. The program incorporates presentations by inspiring speakers, social activities, service opportunities, and film and prayer experiences.
Our parish Vietnamese community conducts a religious education program (in Vietnamese) for children and youth.
We are also pleased to offer sacramental preparation for students enrolled in a special education program in public school.
Catechetical sessions are offered to new and returning children and youth in grades 1-8, as well as to children and youth with special needs.
The health and safety of students, families, and the catechetical team is a priority. The Religious Education program operates in accordance with Archdiocese and local and state government guidelines relative to the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions.
2023-2024 Program

Registration for children and youth Catechesis for grade levels 1-7 is now open!
Religious Education: Year 2023-2024
Our parish sessions are offered in English, Spanish and Vietnamese to children and youth in grades 1- 7, new and returning students as well as to children and youth with special needs.
Registration process is the SAME for all families: “New and Returning”.
Please review attached guidelines and requirements. All forms must be completed, documents required need to be attach to the registration form and registration fees included.
1. PRINT out all pages of the forms or PICK UP a registration package in the Parish center office and fill them out completely.
2. Return forms, documents, and payment to the parish office during the months of July and August.
3. We accept payments via check, cash or money order only. Check and money order Payable to “St. Joseph the Worker”
4. The program begins in late September or early October and runs through mid-May.
5. Please direct any questions or concerns to Karina L. Villanueva at the Religious Education office via Phone: (818) 341-6634 Ext. 1016 or Email: karina@sjwchurch.com
Year one – Faith Formation Beginners
$80.00 (one child), $125.00 (two children), $160 (three children) (Sibling - same household).
Please include a COPY of your child’s baptismal and birth certificates with forms.
Year Two – Sacramental Year
$105.00 (One child), $175.00 (two children), $205.00 (three children) (Sibling - same household First Communion Fees and Retreat included
Please include a COPY of your child’s baptismal and birth certificates with forms.
POST COMMUNION SESSIONS – Open to all children who have celebrated their First Holy Communion and wish to learn more about our Catholic Faith. $35.00 per child/per year
Schedule of Sessions
(Mark your option on registration forms)
Elementary Wednesday – Grades 1-5
English Sessions 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Elementary Saturday – Grades 1-5
English Sessions 9:00 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Elementary Saturday – Grades 1-5
Spanish Sessions 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Middle School, Wednesday – Grades 6-8
English Sessions 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Special Education
Individual sessions Wednesday afternoon or evening, Parent and child - English / To be determined.
Sessions in Vietnamese
Held on Sunday.
Saturday, September 2 & 9 from 9:30 am - 1:30 pm
Wednesday, September 6 & 13 from 3:30 pm - 6:30 pm
Please Remember:
Payment of the tuition fee & documents must be included with forms in order to save your space. Uncomplete forms will not be processed until all documents and fee are turn in.
• All of our regular communication will be via email/mail. Please include your email address at your forms.
• A Baptismal and Birth certificate must be provided for all those enrolling who are new to the program.
• Sessions are filled on a first-come, first-served basis
• Children who have completed their first year of formation will be evaluated by the catechist to determinate if they are ready to begin their sacramental preparations for the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Holy Communion this year.
Our program serves over 250 students and in order to run effectively we need many volunteers. All teachers and volunteers must have completed an annual background check, be fingerprinted, signed a copy of the Code of Behavior and undergone a “one-time-only” Protecting God’s Children training program. Please give prayerful thought and consideration to teaching as an individual or part of a team. The Religious Education staff offers support, enrichment and training. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via email or by calling (818)341-6634.
For assistance, please email Karina Villanueva, Religious Education Coordinator, or call the Religious Education office, 818.341.6634, ext. 1016.
Programa de Educación Religiosa 2023-2024
¡La Registración para Catequesis de Niños y Jovencitos en los grados 1 al 7 está abierta!
Por favor lea cuidadosamente toda la información adjunta y vea los cambios que se aplicarán en este Nuevo Año de Catequesis 2023/2024: antes de llenar su paquete de registracion.
El proceso de registración y aplica a todas las familias sera el siguiente: Aceptaremos aplicaciones por correo regular o electronico. O si prefiere puede traer directo a la oficina parroquial y depositar aplicación en la caja de correo de nuestra oficina.
1. Todas las hojas de la aplicación deben ser completadas y no olvide incluir los documentos requeridos.
2. Imprima todas las hojas de la aplicación y llene con letra clara o pase a la oficina parroquial por un paquete de registración.
3. Regrese formas con los documentos requeridos y pago directamente a la oficina parroquial durante los meses de julio y agosto.
4. Forma de pago: Cheque o money order solamente. Pagadero a nombre de “St. Joseph the Worker”
5. Para cualquier pregunta contacte a Karina L. Villanueva en la oficina de Educación Religiosa, por telefono al: (818) 341-6634 Ext. 1016 o por correo electronico a: karina@sjwchurch.com.
PRIMER AÑO – Niños que inicián su formación en la FE
$80.00 (un niño/a), $125.00 (dos niños), $160.00 (tres niños) hermanos – viven en la misma casa
Por favor incluya UNA COPIA del certificado de Nacimiento y Bautismo con las formas.
SEGUNDO AÑO – Preparación Sacramental
$105.00 (un niño/a), $175.00 (dos niños), $205.00 (tres niños) hermanos – viven en la misma casa
Por favor incluya UNA COPIA del certificado de Nacimiento y Bautismo con las formas.
Abierto a todos los niños que ya han celebrado los sacramentos de Reconciliación y Eucaristía y desean aprender mas de su Fe Católica: $35.00 por niño por todo el año.
Horario de Sesiones
(Debe elegir y marcar uno en las formas de Registración)
Grados 1 al 5, Elemental Miércoles
Sesiones en ingles – 4:00 pm a 5:30 pm
Grados 1 al 5, Elemental Sábado
Sesiones en ingles: 9:00 am a 10:30 am
Grados 1 al 5, Elemental Sábado
Sesiones en español- 11:00 am a 12:30 pm
Grados 6 al 8, Secundaria Miércoles
Sesiones en ingles- 6:30pm – 8:00 pm
Educación Especial – Todos los grados
Sesiones para padres e hijos miércoles por la tarde y noche. Por determinarse - En ingles.
Sessiones vietnamitas
Se reúnen los domingos.
Sábado, 2 y 9 de septiembre de 9:30 am-1:30 pm y
Miércoles, 6 y 13 de septiembre de 3:30 pm -6:30 pm
• Incluir los documentos requeridos y su pago con su aplicación de registración para asegur su espacio. FORMAS incompletas no podran ser procesadas hasta que se tenga toda la información necesaria.
• La mejor forma de comunicación en este momento es por telefono y correo electronico. Asegurese de agregar su correo electronico en las formas.
• certificado de Nacimiento y Bautismo con su aplicación.
• Los espacios de sesiones se van llenando de acuerdo a como recibimos las aplicaciones.
• Niños y jovencitos que asistieron el año pasado a las sesiones de catequesis, seran evaluados por el catequista para determinar si estan listos para iniciar la preparación Sacramental a los Sacramentos de Primera Confesión y Primera Comunión este año.