
Celebrating Shared Faith

Mass Intentions

Deaths and Funerals

Devotions and Prayer Groups

Music Ministry

Liturgical Ministries

• Eucharistic Minister

• Lector

• Altar Server

• Usher and Greeter

• Eucharistic Minister to the Sick

Environment Committee


Worship and Liturgy

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops – Prayer and Worship

Daily Mass Readings

Daily Mass Readings Podcast

Preparing for Sunday Mass

General Instruction of the Roman Missal


In compliance with State of California, County of Los Angeles, and Archdiocese guidelines, all Masses are outdoors in the School pavilion area.

Mass Schedule

   5:30 p.m., English
   7:00 p.m., Spanish

   7:30 a.m., Vietnamese, In-Person and Livestream
   9:00 a.m., English
   10:30 a.m., English, In-Person and Livestream
   12:00 p.m., Spanish, In-Person and Livestream
Note: The 7:30 a.m. Mass is now Vietnamese (rather than English)

Monday - Friday
   6:30 a.m.
   8:30 a.m.
   8:30 a.m.

Daily Readings:    English and Spanish      Vietnamese

Contact Tracing Form

Please download, print, and complete the Contact Tracing Form and bring it with you to Mass.
If you cannot print the form, one will be provided to you when you arrive.

English   Spanish   Vietnamese